Zemendorfergasse 7, 2700 Wr. Neustadt    02622/21550-0    office@hofstaedtler.com
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Jede Haftung für diese Links, Inhalte sowie Fehler wird ausgeschlossen!

>>> Wiener Neustadt
>>> Österreich
>>> EU - Recht usw.
>>> Österreich - Telekommunikation
>>> Online Zeitungen & News & Blogs
>>> Technisches & Normen
>>> Übersetzen im Internet
>>> Suchen im Internet
>>> OSINT-Tools for Security Analysis
>>> Probleme mit aktuellen Patches
>>> Computer & Internet
>>> Software für Mobile Devices
>>> Tools & Nützliches
>>> Windows Tools & Nützliches
>>> Probleme mit Windows die noch nicht repariert sind
>>> Microsoft
>>> AMD
>>> intel
>>> Open Text - Micro Focus / Attachmate / Novell
>>> Vermischtes
>>> grommunio the new Exchange compatible Groupware System
>>> Kopano / Zarafa Groupware System
>>> Benno MailArchiv E-Mail Archivierung
>>> GroupWise Groupware System von Micro Focus
>>> Other GroupWare Systems and Projects
>>> Mapi Tools for grommunio and Exchange
>>> ActiveSync Tools for grommunio and Exchange
>>> SEP sesam Backup Software
>>> IGEL Thin Clients
>>> SUSE Enterprise Linux
>>> Debian eine freie universelle Linux Distribution
>>> Linux & Open Source
>>> Embedded Projekte und Tools
>>> Smart Home Projekte und Tools
>>> RISC-V Open Processor Architecture
>>> LoRa - Long Range WAN
>>> ESP32 / ESP8266 - Projekte
>>> Asterisk Telefonanlage
>>> Versions Control Software
>>> Assembler, (De-) Compiler, Interpreter und Debugger
>>> Emulatoren, VM & Simulatoren
>>> Algorithms, code snippets and more
>>> Verteiltes Rechnen
>>> Produktlebenszyklen / LifeCycle / EOL
>>> Computerviren, Trojaner & Dialer
>>> Ransomware & Erpressungstrojaner & Entschlüsselungstools
>>> Spyware & Pishing
>>> eMail & Spam & Open Relay Databases & SPF
>>> Hardening Apache2, NextCloud uvm.
>>> Elektro- & Electronic Organisationen
>>> Elektrotechnik, Elektronik & Kommunikation
>>> Whisker Problematik
>>> Röhren, Nixies und alte Radios
>>> Sicherheitsabstände (Luft- und Kriechstrecken) in Netzgeräten
>>> Micro Controller und Elektronik Projekte
>>> USB Links
>>> Micro Controller Links
>>> Real Time Operating Systems
>>> Free TCP/IP Stack Implementations
>>> PIC Links
>>> Layout Programme
>>> 3D Drucker -RepRap
>>> Amateurfunk / Ham Radio
>>> Modelleisenbahn
>>> Eisenbahn
>>> Schallplatten / Records
>>> Historisches / Museen
>>> Historische Computer
>>> Apollo Guidance Computer AGC
>>> ISS International Space Station & Space ISS and Space
>>> Fluginformationen

Wiener Neustadt
Stadt Wiener Neustadt
Freiwillige Feuerwehr Wiener Neustadt
WN TV - News aus Wiener Neustadt und Umgebung
Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Wiener Neustadt
FH Wiener Neustadt
Bundesrealgymnasium Gröhrmühlgasse Wiener Neustadt
Bundesgymnasium Zehnergasse Wiener Neustadt
Städtische HLW Wiener Neustadt Städtische Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe
Mineraliensammlung von Prof. Peter Huber Mineralien - Steindosen - alte Bücher - Bergbaukunst
Colenta Labortechnik GmbH & CO.KG. automatische Filmentwickler
System Kurri Holzspanheizungen, Holzzerspaner, Maschinenbau, Flugzeugschweißerei
Orlik Mechanik Mechanische Fertigung und Konstruktion & Herstellung
NEUHART Architektur ZT GmbH
Schwaighofer Architektur GmbH
plecher planen Plannenerzeugung, Beschrifung, uvm.
Reinprecht Hydraulik Pneumatik
Schoeller Allibert GmbH Kunststoff- Mehrwegverpackung
Praxis für systemische Psychotherapie, Supervision, Coaching, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Wr. Neustadt
ENPULSION GmbH is a space tech company based in Austria. Selling advanced propulsion solutions for small sats
to a large number of worldwide satellite platform integrators

Österreichische Blindenwohlfahrt das einzige Wohn- und Pflegeheim für blinde und sehbeeinträchtigte Menschen in Wien
Bruno Eder GmbH Feuerwehr Schlüsselsafes
Erge GmbH Installationen
Fischer Maschinen Plattenwärmetauscher und Pasteurisierungsanlagen
Koch Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung, Sportanlagenbau
GEVA Elektronik-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Handel- und Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Automatisierungstechnik
Gnam Elektrotechnische Anlagen GmbH
haus der technik Architektur
Jäger - Waldau Ges.m.b.H. Wels
LAR.at Fotos
F-List components & furniture GmbH
LOHR GmbH Steuer/Regel-, Nachrichten-, Sicherheits- u. Elektrotechnik
Mobile Schlachtsysteme Schlachten vor Ort
Nemetz Fleisch Handels GmbH Böheimkirchen
Schönberg Label Ges.m.b.H. Klebeschilder, Frontblenden
trafomodern kundenspezifische Transformatoren
Wohlleb KG Bilderrahmen
Wohlleb Bilderrahmen Onlineshop Onlineshop für Bilderrahmen
Praxis für systemische Psychotherapie, Supervision, Coaching, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Wien 22
Dr. Zangrando Internist in Schwechat
Mechatronik Karl Zeilhofer kundenspezifische Elektronik- und Systementwicklung
Blue Danube Records Willkommen im Vinylhimmel! Schallplattengeschäft in Tulln
AUSTRIAN AUDIO Microphones and headphones made in Austria, founded by former AKG employees
Herold.at Österreichisches Telefonbuch
Bundesministerium für Finanzen Auskünfte und Formulare
Österreichs digitales Amt - Ämter und Behördenservices
A-Trust Zertifikate, Handy-Signatur uvm.
Handy-Signatur Aktivierung, Login uvm.
eval.at Arbeitsplatzevaluierung
Edikte - Ediktskartei Suchen nach Konkursen, Ausgleiche usw.
Rechtsdatenbank Gesetze
Österreichische Nationalbank
Bundesamt für Eich und Vermessungswesen Österreichpläne usw.
Österreichischer Rechnungshof
Wissen schützt vor Verbrechen Ein Service des BMI
Die Serviceline der Sozialversicherung Tel: 05-01243311
Notdienst Planer Niederösterreich für Zahnärzte
E-Control GmbH Informationen über Strom und Gas- Preise
netztest.at Speedtest für den Internetanschluss, ein Service der E-Control GmbH
Spritpreisrechner Sprit-Preise an Tankstellen, betreut von: E-Control GmbH
HDinfo.at Informationen über HD Empfang
Wien Informationen und Pläne
Trinkwasserbrunnen in Wien Über 900 Trinkbrunnen und 55 Monumental- und Denkmalbrunnen werden von der Stadt Wien verwaltet
Wirtschaftskammer Homepage
Wirtschaftskammer Informationen zur elektronischen Rechnung
Wifi Österreich
MetallLehrling.at Infos zu Lehrberufen
ElektroInfo.at das Informations-Service der Niederösterreichischen Elektrotechniker
ClubComputer.at - ClubComputer ist eine der größten Österreichischen Vereinigungen von Computerclubs mit pcc.at
VOR Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region Routenplaner / Fahrplan für Wien U-Bahn, Bim usw.
ARBÖ Mit uns fahren Sie bestens
ÖAMTC Der Österreichische Automobil Motorrad und Touring Club
Belebtes Wasser nach Johann Grander
ARA Altstoff Recycling Austria AG

EU - Recht usw.
Die Europäische Union online
Air passenger rights in the European Union
UID Nummern im Internet überprüfen
IP Key China is directed by the European Commission and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
European Central Bank USD / EUR Währungsverlauf als Chart
EU Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products EU Warnsystem zu gefährlichen Produkten
EU Rapid Alert System - Search alerts Suche nach gefährlichen Produkten

Österreich - Telekommunikation
Österreichisches ADSL Forum
Der Internet Ombudsmann eine unabhängige Streitschlichtungs- und Beratungsstelle rund um das Thema Einkaufen im Internet
Watchlist Internet Online-Betrug, -Fallen,& -Fakes im Blick - Internet Ombudsmann
nic.at die Registrierungs- und Verwaltungsstelle für .at-Domains
ISPA Internet Service Providers Austria
RTR Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH
RTR-Netztest Speedtest für Internetanschluss für PCs, iPhone und Android
Interxion Wien Rechenzentrum für VIX-2
VIX The Vienna Internet eXchange (VIX)
VIX Traffic Statistics - Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Senderkataster AT Plan der Mobilfunk Sender in Österreich, leider ohne Betreiber
Allestörungen Störungsübersicht AT

Online Zeitungen & News & Blogs
Steuernews aus Österreich
Der Standard Online
Gewinn Online
Profil Online
Trend Online
Kronenzeitung Online
Kurier Online
Tageszeitung Österreich
Die Presse
Wiener Zeitung mit Online-Amtsblatt
Ö3 Online
Radio Wien
Elektro&Wirtschaft Österreichs Insiderblatt für die Elektrobranche
Borns IT- und Windows-Blog Borns IT- und Windows-Blog
Bruce Schneier security guru Blog
Verlag Heise Online
Financial Times Online
FinanzNachrichten.de eine der größten deutschsprachigen Finanzseiten
Google News Englisch
Google News Deutsch
FOX NEWS channel
golem.de tagesaktuelle Publikationen
CRN Information for VARs and Technology Integrators
ZDNet Tech News, Blogs an more
PC Magazine
Dr. Dobb's Journal The World of Software Development - archive only: Dr. Dobb's would cease publication of new articles at the end of 2014
Industriemagazin Wirtschaft und Technik
Elektrojournal die Informationsplattform für die Elektrobranche
Elektronikjournal Das D+A+CH-Magazin von Profis für Profis
Autlook 1. österreichisches Fachmagazin für Automatisierungstechnik
Elektronik Praxis Das professionelle Elektronikmagazin ( DACH )
elektroniknet.de WEKA Fachmedien
Elektor Elektronikzeitschrift
EEWeb Elektronik Informationen und Projekte
WEKA Verlag
MANZ Verlag
WDR Die Sendung mit der Maus
Junge-Wissenschaft Online Zeitschrift JuWi bei der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB)

Technisches & Normen
Österreichisches Normungsinstitut Wissenswertes über Normen, Zertifizierung und Recht der Technik
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Wissenswertes über die Zeit und SI Einheiten
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) JavaScript Uhr im Browser mit Anzeige der Abweichung zur lokalen Systemuhr
Physics Lab National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Wissenswertes über Physik
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Wissenswertes über US Standards
FreePatentsOnline freie Patente online finden
List of ICU Demonstrations [International Components for Unicode] Here are ten demos that show different capabilities of the ICU library
unicode.org The Unicode Consortium

Übersetzen im Internet
Google Translate
DeepL Übersetzer
Leo.org Link Everything Online - Dictionary

Suchen im Internet
Suchen mit Google
Suchen mit WolframAlpha
Suchen mit Lycos
Suchen mit WebCrawler
Suchen mit Yahoo
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Leo.org Link Everything Online
Leo.org Wörterbücher
deutsche Wikipedia lebendes Wissen

OSINT-Tools for Security Analysis
- Darknet Research
Intelligence X is a search engine and data archive
- IP Check
AbuseIPDB is a project dedicated to helping combat the spread of hackers, spammers, and abusive activity on the internet
IP Info The trusted source for IP address data
MX Toolbox the IP super tool
- Phishing Check
checkphish Real-Time URL and Website Sandbox
maltiverse the Open IoC Search Engine
OpenPish Timely. Accurate. Relevant Phishing Intelligence
- Webserver Scan
BinaryEdge search
censys search
Shodan Search Engine for the Internet of Everything
- Crypto Tools
Bitcoin Abuse Database Tracking bitcoin addresses used by ransomware, blackmailers, fraudsters, etc.
Bitcoin Whos Who Bitcoin Address Lookup
Blockchair Blockchain explorer, analytics and web services. Explore data stored on 19 blockchains
- Vulnerability Tools
CVE Details is a search engine and data archive
Vulmon Search anything related to vulnerabilities on Vulmon, from products to vulnerability types. Start your journey to free vulnerability intelligence
GreyNoise is THE source for understanding internet noise
- Malware Analysis
Intezer Analyze Malware analysis
Any Run Malware hunting with live access to the heart of an incident
- Domain Informations
IBM X-Force Exchange Research, Collaborate and Act on threat intelligence
View DNS Info DNS / Domain Informations
crt.sh Certificate Search
Is It Down Right Now? Monitors the status of your favorite web sites and checks whether they are down or not

Probleme mit aktuellen Patches
- Windows 10 / 11 und Windows Server
FAQ: WSUS and Unified Update Platform (UUP) on premises - Mar. 2023
Windows 10/11: Grottige Netzwerktransfer-Leistung, hohe Windows 11 CPU-Last – Teil 1 - 14. Feb. 2023
Microsoft Patchday-Nachlese Juli 2022 (Windows, Office) - 15. Juli 2022
Windows Out-of-Band-Updates vom 19.5.2022 versagen mit NPS beim AD DC-Authentifizierungsfehler - 19. Mai 2022
Windows Mai 2022-Updates verursachen AD-Authentifizierungsfehler (Server, Client) - Mai 2022
Windows 11: Update KB5013943 erzeugt Fehler 0xc0000135 - Mai 2022
Windows, Office: Mai 2022 Patchday-Probleme und Besonderheiten - Mai 2022
Windows 10/11: Microsoft will Performance-Probleme fixen - Februar 2022
Microsoft patcht wieder außer der Reihe - Jänner 2022
- Office / Outlook
Outlook 365 Version 2401 (Build 17231.20194): Exchange ActiveSync-Verbindungen kaputt - Feb. 2024
Outlook: Update von Dezember 2023 triggert .ics-Sicherheitswarnung - Feb 2024
Bugs in Microsoft Outlook? - August 2022
Microsoft: Workaround für Outlook-Absturz; Rollback von Microsoft 365 auf Version 2205 - August 2022
Outlook-Suche in Windows 11 erneut kaputt - Juli 2022
Windows, Office: Mai 2022 Patchday-Probleme und Besonderheiten - Mai 2022
Access 365: Fehler "Der Suchschlüssel wurde in keinem…" - April 2022
E-Mail-Suche in Outlook unter Windows 10 funktioniert wieder - Jänner 2022
Microsoft 365: Probleme beim automatischen Aktualisieren der Shared Mailbox? - Jänner 2022
Status des Access-Bugs nach Dezember 2021-Update - Jänner 2022
Microsoft bestätigte Probleme in allen Access-Versionen nach Dezember 2021-Update - Dezember 2021
Outlook stürzt mit Error 0xc0000005 ab, Workaround/Fix - Juli 2020
Security risk Microsoft Outlook App: Transfers credentials and mails to the cloud - Jan 2023 BornCity
- Drucker Probleme
PrintNightmare: Schon wieder eine Drucker-Lücke in Windows ohne Patch - August 2021
PrintNightmare: Workaround für Druckprobleme - September 2021
KB5005010: Einschränken der Installation neuer Druckertreiber nach Anwendung der Updates vom 6. Juli 2021 - Juli 2021
- Group Policies
Why you shouldn’t set these 25 Windows policies - Jänner 2022
QNAP probt Zwangsupdate nach 3.600 DeadBolt-Ransomware-Infektionen - Februar 2022
QNAP-Laufwerke im Januar 2022 Ziel von Ransomware-Angriffen - Jänner 2022

Computer & Internet
Chaos Computer Club e.V.
Wau Holland Stiftung
maps.google.at Routenplanung
Time Zone Converter Weltweite Zeitumrechnung
Date and Time Informationen über Zeitzonen
National Geographic Society USA Karten uvm.
Ostereier - Überraschungen in Programmen
DVD - Capturing, Converting, Editing, Authoring and Playing help
urlscan.io Alter einer Domain bestimmen und qualifizieren
The CERT© Coordination Center (CERT/CC) is a center of Internet security expertise
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
The Internet Engineering Task Force
The Internet Research Task Force
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
The Internet Society
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. developing and maintaining core production quality software, protocols, and operations
The Request for Comments Editor (RFC)
The ipv6 Information
Goodie Domain Service (GDS) der TU Wien
University of Southern California School of Engineering's Information Sciences Institute
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Der Internet-Verkehr als Bild by Chris Harris
Chris Harris Homepage mit Projektseiten
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) standardized benchmarks
pool.ntp.org public ntp time server for everyone
support.ntp.org The NTP Public Services Project
satsignal.eu The Raspberry Pi as a Stratum-1 NTP Server
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Hauptseite
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Zeitanzeige als Java Applet (benötigt Port 5076)
LeapSecond.com A web site dedicated to precise Time & Frequency
selfhtml.org Main Page
The Web Robots Pages
HOME OF REGENECHSEN Reguläre Ausdrücke und Kryptologie
RegEx HowTo at Python.org Regular Expression HOWTO
Regular-Expressions.info The Premier website about Regular Expressions
Webentwickler Linksammlung
WhatIsMyIPAddress.com IP Tools wie IP Lookup uvm.
ifconfig.io What is my ip address?
Zeta Producer Blog 39 wundervolle Websites mit atemberaubenden schönen kostenlosen, lizenzfreien Bildern und Videos
RTR-Netztest Speedtest für Internetanschluss für PCs, iPhone und Android
- (Poodle and FREE Attack), SSL and Security Tests
Qualys SSL Labs many SSL Tests for Server and Browser
ImmuniWeb many SSL Tests for Server and Browser also for Mail Server, specify :25 after URL
Dashboard - badssl.com many SSL Tests, includes test for Superfish Zertifikat. Uninstall instructions at Heise for Superfish Certificate
digicert SSL Tools Website security tools - Check your SSL/TLS certificate installation
CheckTLS.com Secure Email Test Tools and Services
testssl.sh is a free command line tool which checks a server's service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers,
protocols as well as recent cryptographic flaws and more
Mozilla Foundation Observatory - security check for web sites
SIWECOS Deutscher Schwachstellen Scanner für Webseiten
VIROSTOTAL Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community
BSI BSI TR-02102-2 "Kryptographische Verfahren: Verwendung von Transport Layer Security (TLS)" Version: 2021-1
Mozilla Foundation SSL Configuration Generator
TLS Ciphersuite Search Search for a particular cipher suite by using IANA, OpenSSL or GnuTLS name format
- DNS Server und Tests
Quad9 DNS Service Internet Security & Privacy In a Few Easy Steps
Heise.d Quad9 DNS Service Ausführlicher Artikel zum Quad9 DNS Service
Google Public DNS Server A free, global DNS resolution service that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider
DNSreport  DNS Server und Domains überprüfen
- IPv6, DNSSEC und Anti-Spoofing Tests
Internet.nl Online-Test-Suite für IPv6, DNSSEC und Anti-Spoofing
Heise Security Artikel über Internet.nl
- Security
Certified Ethical Hacker Terry Cutler - (Brainshare 2008 Session: IO184)
TeleTrust - itsmig.de SecureITy made in Germany
botfrei.de Anti-Botnetz Beratungszentrum
remote-exploit.org hacking for the fun of it
mimikama.at ZDDK - zuerst Denken dann Klicken
- Office Pakete
LibreOffice kostenloses Office Paket für Apple, Linux und Windows
The Document Foundation is proud to be the home of LibreOffice
OpenOffice kostenloses Office Paket, APACHE Software Foundation
Wörterbücher für OO und Libre Office
Die OpenOffice PrOOo-Box
The OpenDocument Foundation promote and develop the OASIS OpenDocument File Format affectionately known as "ODf"
RagTime Office für Apple
- Webserver, Browser and more
Apache Webserver The Apache Software Foundation
nginx leistungsfähiger Webserver, Reverse Proxy und E-Mail-Proxy (POP3/IMAP), (ausgesprochen wie englisches "engine-ex" oder "engine x")
owasp.org Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
owasp.org Securing tomcat (OWASP)
Mozilla.com Internet Browser
Mozilla.com Release Dir für Mozilla Browser
browsershots.org Zeigt Internetseiten als Voransicht mit verschiedenen Browser
ownCloud your file cloud The most essential business tool since email: Store. Share. Work
nextcloud.com The self-hosted productivity platform that keeps you in control
- Einige ausgewählte Extensions
Adblock Plus Genervt von Werbung? Geplagt von Datensammlern? Jetzt Adblock Plus installieren!
United States English spell checker US Wörterbuch
NoScript Script Blocker für Firefox
pocket / Rad it Later Webseiten markieren und später lesen
User Agent Switcher adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser
Firesheep A Firefox extension that demonstrates HTTP session hijacking attacks
Mitaka is a browser extension makes your OSINT search & scan easily GitHub project page
Mozilla.org die anderen Mozilla Projekte
Opera Internet Browser
OpenStreetMap ist eine freie, editierbare Karte der gesamten Welt
Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority
CaCert.org Free SSL Certification Authority - Projekt Seite für freie SSL Zertifikate
- Package trace, DNS and similar Tools
WireShark Netzwerk- Protocol- Analyse (ex. Ethereal)
Chappell University Wireshark Trainings
PacketSender free utility to send & receive network packets. TCP, UDP, SSL
DanNagle Open Source Projects
DNSreport DNS Server und Domains überprüfen
MXToolbox Supertool to test blacklists, mail-servers, DNS server and much more
Npcap Packet capture library for Windows
Nmap Free Security Scanner

Software für Mobile Devices
Google Mobile Geräte Einstiegsseite

Tools & Nützliches
FreePatentsOnline freie Patente online finden
Synergy mehrere PCs mit einer Maus und Tastatur steuern für Windows, Mac OS X und Linux
UltraVNC Remote Computer Support Software
PuTTY A Free Telnet/SSH Client
WinSCP Freeware SFTP and SCP client for Windows
7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio
VIM the Editor
NotePad ++ ein Open-Source-Editor der viele Programmiersprachen unterstützt
Scintilla is a free source code editing component
PDFCreator PDFCreator easily creates PDFs, use it like a printer
dhcpserver.de DHCP Server for Windows
FileZilla FileZilla is a fast FTP and SFTP client with a lot of features
GNU utilities for Win32
Cygwin project a large collection of GNU and Open Source tools which provide functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows
WinGUp is a Generic Updater running under Windows environment
FileZilla ein Open-Source Client und Server
VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption software brought to you by IDRIX (https://www.idrix.fr) and that is based on TrueCrypt 7.1a
Heise Artikel zu: Gratis-Tool zur Datei-Verschlüsselung für Mac und Windows-PCs
MacPaw Herstellerseite für ENCRYPTO
VideoLAN VLC Media Player und Streaming Server
Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds
UTF-8 encoding tool
UnicodeTools.com Easy Latin to UTF-8 encoding converter
EpochConverter.com Unix time stamp and epoch conversion tool
Subnet-Calculator.com berechnet IP Subnetze
iFolder Project - sourceforge iFolder is a safe and secure way to share and synchronize files across computers and within teams
Kablink Vibe - sourceforge Open Source Version von Micro Focus Vibe
Nmap Free Security Scanner
SecTools.Org Top 125 Network Security Tools
USB Drive Letter Manager for Windows 2000, XP und höher (c) Uwe Sieber
Troubleshooting for USB drives by Uwe Sieber
LicenseCrawler Lizenzen auslesen by Martin Klinzmann
Rufus Create bootable USB drives the easy way
Free Software EFI/UEFI file system drivers part of Rufus, by Pete Batard
TianoCore the community supporting an open source implementation of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files
Duplicati Free backup software to store encrypted backups online For Windows, macOS and Linux
BorgBackup Deduplicating archiver with compression and encryption
Open-Shell-Menu Open Source Replacement for ClassicShell, Windows 10 and partially Windows 11
- Remote Wartung Software
Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.
RustDesk Open source virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone!
MeshCentral The open source, multi-platform, self-hosted, feature packed web site for remote device management.
Remotely GitHub a remote control and remote scripting solution, built with .NET 6, Blazor, and SignalR Core.
- QR Code erstellen
NirSoft SimpleCodeGenerator is a simple tool for Windows that allows you to quickly generate QR Code for scanning with App on your Smartphone
Sean Owen Barcode Contents
- Disk Space Analyzer
SpaceSniffer Disk Space Analyzer
WinDirStats Disk Space Analyzer similar to Sequoia View
WinDirStat Windows Directory Statistiken, ähnlich wie "Sequoia View" funktioniert auch unter Windows 7 und 8.x
Folder Size Disk Space Analyzer
JDiskReport Dateigrößen grafisch anzeigen, Java Tool
WizTree The FASTEST Disk Space Analyser, 46x faster than WinDirStat! Free for Personal Use
- Disk Tools / Datenrettung
EasyUse Data Recovery and Disk copy Software
CCleaner Home of Defrager, CCleaner, Recuva and more
Ddrescue Data recovery tool
Wikipedia GNU ddrescue
- Speichertest
stressapptest Stressful Application Test - userspace memory and IO test
MemTest86.com stand alone memory testing software for x86 computers
MemTest.org memtest86+ is a port of memtest86 written by Chris Brady.
Our goal is to provide an up-to-date and completly reliable version of this software tool aimed at memory failures detection
MemtestG80 and MemtestCL are software-based tester to test for "soft errors" in GPU memory or logic for GPUs supporting CUDA or OpenCL
- Speedtest
Netztest.at Internet Geschwindigkeits-Tests der Österreichischen Regulierungsbehörde RTR
Iometer Geschwindigkeits-Tests für LAN und Disks - hat Probleme mit Windows 10
NETIO Homepage auf GitHub Geschwindigkeits-Tests für LAN
NETIO Artikel auf network lab Geschwindigkeits-Tests für LAN
iPerf / iPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks
GitHub iPerf3 a TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
IPerf2 A network traffic tool for measuring TCP and UDP performance with metrics around both throughput and latency
Iperf measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth performance - outdated, use iPerf3
DrTCP Setzt div. TCP Optionen wie MTU oder Receive Window - Win NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
- hacking
Proxmark3 A Test Instrument for HF/LF RFID
Wikipedia OpenBTS OpenBTS is a software-based GSM access point
- Software Deployment
ITNinja Tipps und Infos wie man Software Pakete automatisiert installiert
WPKG Easy Software Deployment
opsi (open pc server integration) the open source Desktop Management
Wsus Package Publisher Free Tool for Publishing Third-Party Updates or Applications to Wsus

Windows Tools & Nützliches
- Security
PING CASTLE Get Active Directory Security at 80% in 20% of the time. Active directory is quickly becoming a critical failure point in any big sized company, as it is both complex and costly to secure.
metasploit The world’s most used penetration testing framework.
- Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)
Alois Kraus How Fast is your Virus Scanner?
ETWAnalyzer Releases at GitHub.
Master-Thesis Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) zur Unterstützung forensischer Analysen von Prozessverhalten in Windows 10.
- Windows Installer
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System is a professional open source system to create Windows installers
Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs by Jordan Russell and Martijn Laan
WIX TOOLSET the most powerful set of tools available to create your Windows installation experience
Microsoft Package a desktop app using third-party installers - list of third-party installers
- Windows PE Builder
WinBuilder Wikipedia
Ultimate Boot CD UBCD contains many useful utilities
PhoenixPE builds a Windows PE environment, also used bei c't-Notfall-Windows 2022
c't-Notfall-Windows 2018 based on "The Win10PE SE project" with many enhancements
c't-Notfall-Windows 2021 Unser Bausatz für das Notfall-Windows erstellt binnen Minuten ein vom USB-Stick bootfähiges, transportables Windows zur Schädlingsbekämpfung und Datenrettung
c't-Notfall-Windows 2022 Für c't 2/2022 haben wir das Notfall-Windows erneut überarbeitet. Es kann jetzt aufbauend auf Windows 11 erstellt werden.
- Windows Backups
Heise DE - Projektseite für c't WIMage ein universelles Windows Backup Script
Heise DE - c't-WIMage erstellt Windows-Backups c't-WIMage Version aus 2021
Heise DE - WIMage prüfen ohne Test-PC mit c't-Win2VHD Sicherstellen, dass mit c't-WIMage erstellte Abbilder wirklich wiederherstellbar sind
Duplicati Free backup software to store encrypted backups online For Windows, macOS and Linux
BorgBackup Deduplicating archiver with compression and encryption
- Windows Reparatur und Werkzeuge
Windows 8.x, Windows 10 & 11, Windows Server 2012 R2 & 2016 & 2019 & 2021: manuell mit diesen beiden Befehlen reparieren:
   1. <DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth>
   2. <DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth>
Microsoft learn Advanced troubleshooting for Stop error 7B or Inaccessible_Boot_Device
- Windows 10 Updates
Download Windows 10 Create Windows 10 installation media - Media Creation Tool
Windows 10 Update History Includes all previous updates
Troubleshooting upgrade errors Briefly explains the phases of a successful Windows 10 upgrade, graphic at end of post
Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors: Technical information for IT Pros
Upgrade error codes: How to decode Windows 10 upgrade error codes
SetupDiag is a standalone diagnostic tool that can be used to obtain details about why a Windows 10 upgrade was unsuccessful
Windows Update Troubleshooter scroll down to "Windows Update Troubleshooter", download the tool for to your OS and run the troubleshooter tool
Windows 10 Pre-Upgrade Validation using SETUP.EXE
Windows Security Baselines Security baselines are an essential benefit to customers because they bring together expert knowledge from Microsoft, partners, and customers
Microsoft Security Guidance blog Security baseline for Windows 10 and Windows Server
Heise DE Was Sie über Windows 10 und das "Fall Creators Update" wissen müssen
Heise DE - Windows 10: Microsoft veröffentlicht das "Fall Creators Update" mit Forum über Probleme
Heise DE - Schutz hoch zehn Die neuen Schutzfunktionen des Windows 10 Fall Creators updates. Ergänzungen zum Artikel.
- Windows 10 & Windows 11
Deprecated features for Windows client Each version of Windows client adds new features and functionality. Occasionally, new versions also remove features and functionality, often because they've added a newer option.
- Microsoft / RDP & Remote FX
Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol-8.0 Update für Windows 7 SP1 und Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
FabulaTech Access local USB devices in remote Windows session
Thinstuff Macht aus einem Windows 7, 8.x oder 10 PC einen Remotedesktop Server
Microsoft Windows Device Console (Devcon.exe)
National Instruments How Do I Force Windows to Remove and Redetect a USB Device?
- Windows-Blogs
Borns IT- und Windows-Blog
- Windows CE
Handheld PC News End of an Era: Windows CE’s final day

Probleme / Bugs mit Windows die noch nicht repariert sind
- Windows 10 / 11 und Windows Server
10-year-old Windows bug with 'opt-in' fix exploited in 3CX attack
10-year-old Windows bug with 'opt-in' fix CVE-2013-3900
Prevent Bypass of AppLocker and SAFER alias Software Restriction Policies

Microsoft Update-Katalog use KB number to search for patches, fixes ect.
Microsoft Download Center standard Search
Microsoft Download Center advanced Search
Windowsupdate Microsoft Windows Update FAQ Seite
WSUS and Unified Update Platform (UUP) FAQ: WSUS and Unified Update Platform (UUP) on premises
Technet Update center for Office, Office servers, and related products
Microsoft Security Essentials Virenschutz
Microsoft Safety Scanner Microsoft Windows Live OneCare
Microsoft-Sicherheitsempfehlung: Sicherheitsrisiko in SSL/TLS kann Offenlegung von Informationen ermöglichen - Fix-It-Tools für SSL/TLS-Schwachstelle
Microsoft answers Get answers to the most common Windows Vista questions
Microsoft Technet NTFS Technical Reference
Download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) WDK, WinDbg and Visual Studio

AMD Home Page
AMD Driver Updates for AMD Radeon™ Series Graphics and Ryzen™ Chipsets

Intel Open Source Projekte
Intel Meshcentral is open source and is both a peer-to-peer technology with a wide array of uses and web service that is targeted for remote monitoring and management of computers and devices

Open Text - Micro Focus / Attachmate / Novell
OpenText Buys Micro Focus OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX), (TSX: OTEX) announced today (31. Jan. 2023) that it has closed the previously announced acquisition of Micro Focus International plc.
Novell is now part of Micro Focus Micro Focus announces further detailed plans for the integration of the Attachmate Group of companies
The Micro Focus Community Auswahl für alle Micro Focus Produkte
DFS Dude Domain Services for Windows Videos and Info, Novell Tips & Tricks
WS Tools - Wolfgang Schreiber NetWare and eDirectory Utilities
Djack Software Admins ClubNetWare
OES 2 SP3 Updating (Patching) an OES 2 SP3 Server
OES 11 SP3 Updating (Patching) an OES 11 SP3 Server
OES 2015 SP1 Updating (Patching) an OES 2015 SP1 Server
OES 2018 SP2 Updating (Patching) an OES 2018 SP2 Server
Open Enterprise Server Support TID and Patch overview
Cool Solutions Example of Troubleshooting AFP NMAS Issues
Cool Solutions Finding Duplicate GUIDs

Informationen über Windows Filesysteme
Definitions for thousands of the most current IT-related words - WhatIs.TechTarget.com
Alle Dateiformate dieser Welt
Google Earth A 3D interface to the planet
Wikipedia - SATA Stecker
Wikipedia - Capacitor plague
Backblaze Drive Stats for Q1 2023 Backblaze(c) overview of failed HDDs
The SSD Edition: 2022 Drive Stats Review Backblaze(c) overview of failed SSDs
FlightGear ein Flugsimulator Projekt
- Zauberwürfel - Rubik's Cube™
Wikipedia Zauberwürfel - Rubik's Cube™
God's Number is 20 Every position of Rubik's Cube&trade can be solved in twenty moves or less
- Mathematik Software
GeoGebra Löse Gleichungen, zeichne Funktionsgraphen, erstelle Konstruktionen, analysiere Daten, erlebe Mathe in 3D!
heise.de - c't Material-Sammlung und ergänzende Informationen zu GeoGebra
- Crypto
bettercrypto.org simple, copy & paste-able HOWTO for secure crypto settings and more
CrypTool 2 (CT2) ist ein modernes Lernprogramm für Windows, mit dem Kryptografie und Kryptoanalyse visualisiert werden. Es beinhaltet nicht nur die Verschlüsselungen und das Brechen von Chiffren, sondern auch deren Grundlagen und das ganze Spektrum moderner Kryptografie
CrypTool 2 Mitmachen beim Open Source Project CryptTool 2
YouTube-Kanal Cryptography for Everybody – A Welcome from the World of Cryptology & CrypTool 2
Open Crypto Audit Project (OCAP) is a community-driven global initiative which grew out of the first comprehensive public audit and cryptanalysis of the widely used encryption software TrueCrypt

grommunio - the new Exchange compatible Groupware System
grommunio groupware and much, much more / exchange your exchange - Homepage
Git Hub Repositories grommunio ist open source
grommunio Community Downloads, grommunio for all supported OS
grommunio Build Service
grommunio Dokumentation On this site, you can find almost everything you need to know about grommunio, how it works, how you can use it
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grommunio Knowledge Base tips & tricks about grommunio
grommunio Release notes major releases
grommunio Release notes minor releases
grommunio contributes to Microsoft documentation, to improve this documentation
grommunio Wiki pages
grommunio Community Forum Welcome to the grommunio Community
steep-system Gromox a full MAPI compatible system, used by grommunio
Gromox project webpage - operated by grommunio
- grommunio in the media
grommunio News All the news about grommunio
Alternative zu Exchange: grommunio bringt Linux-Groupware Artikel auf heise.de
grommunio, früher grammm: Neues Release der freien Exchange-Alternative Artikel auf heise.de
Opensource.com An open source alternative to Microsoft Exchange
Linux-Magazin.de Grommunio: Quelloffener Drop-in-Ersatz für Microsoft Exchange (leider kostenpflichtig)
FOSDEM 2024 Brussels / 3&4 February 2024 Jan Engelhardt Talk about [Servers] Exchanging Microsoft: Implementing 27 MS Exchange Protocols & APIs in OSS with grommunio
YouTube An Open Source Exchange Server - grommunio
- grommunio - Tips and Tricks
Postfix - SMTP Smuggling Attack grommunio community
Prepare for the EWS / grommunio 2023.11.1 release grommunio community
"Email forward" does not work with old appliances grommunio community
Update the appliance form Open SuSE 15.4 to 15.5 grommunio community
MIDB what are these databases for and how to regenerate the MIDB grommunio community
Rules that move mails to Public Folders grommunio community
Convert grommunio from the Community Edition to the Supported Edition grommunio community
Update to the current grommunio version with additional information for V 2.60 grommunio community
Update the appliance form Open SuSE 15.3 to 15.4 grommunio community
Why the hostname is so important for grommunio? grommunio community
Some tips for the installation with the current ISO. grommunio community
fail2ban for grommunio grommunio community
grommunio improves mailbox performance grommunio
Git Hub Repositories Migrations script exchange2grommunio.ps1
Git Hub Repositories Migrations script kopano2grommunio.sh
- Tips and Tricks for Apple
MacLife Mail: So deaktivieren Sie die Kontaktvorschläge der Mail-App
- Tools and programs used by grommunio
Nextcloud file storage - used by grommunio
piler secure e-mail archive - used by grommunio
Jitsi Meet meeting tool - used by grommunio
ONLYOFFICE office package - used by grommunio
Mattermost secure collaboration for teams - used by grommunio
Rspamd Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system - used by grommunio
Gilles LAMIRAL IMAP Sync - used by grommunio
OpenStreetMap grommunio WebApp uses OpenStreetMap for the map plug-in
OpenStreetMap Nominatim This is the debugging interface for the search engine used on the OpenStreetMap website
VMime C++ MIME Library - used by grommunio
SPNEGO Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) / Kerberos - used by grommunio
PHPStan Find bugs in your PHP code base before they reach production - used by grommunio
- Tools - not only for grommunio
Coturn TURN server is a free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Server - usable for grommunio meet
Trickle ICE Test a TURN/UDP server
OPNsense Free & Open source - Everything essential to protect your network and more - usable for grommunio
Outlook CalDav Synchronizer Sync Outlook Everywhere - usable for grommunio
csv2vcard A Python script that parses a .csv file of contacts and automatically creates vCards - usable for grommunio
The pivotal app of your life and business, Re:Work Redo everything of your life with Re:Work, a core app that allows you to manage all areas of your life and company work
MFCMAPI is a utility to test if MAPI is functioning correctly - MAPI debugging
PostSRSd - Timo Röhling SRS - Sender Rewriting Scheme, postsrsd is included in grommunio
- div. Informations
Neues Outlook: Schutz vor zu neugieriger Microsoft-Mail-App Heise News
Neues Outlook: Microsoft bezieht Stellung zur Übertragung von Zugangsdaten Heise News
Microsoft krallt sich Zugangsdaten: Achtung vor dem neuen Outlook Heise News
Jetzt ist es offiziell: Neues Outlook löst Vorgänger-Apps 2024 ab Heise News
Kommentar: Microsoft schafft selbst die Argumente für Windows ab Heise Kommentar
Ab Oktober 2023 kontrolliert Microsoft automatisiert alles, was sie mit ihrem Windows-Computer anstellen Informationen zu Office 365 und einen vagen Verhaltenskodex
theregister.com Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover protocol found leaking hundreds of thousands of credentials
Die Technische Richtlinie "Sicherer E-Mail-Transport" (BSI TR-03108) definiert konkrete Anforderungen an einen E-Mail-Diensteanbieter
Privacy and Security Assessment Verfahren (PSA-Verfahren) ist ein zentraler Baustein zur Gewährleistung von Sicherheit und Datenschutz bei der Deutschen Telekom

Kopano - Groupware System
Kopano internationale Homepage
Kopano Supportübersicht der verschiedenen Editionen
Kopano WebApp Demo der WebApp
Kopano Blog We are starting a new chapter ..., November 23, 2021
Kopano Blog Ankündigungen über neue Produktversionen und mehr
Welcome to the community space of Kopano
Kopano beerdigt die Community Edition und das Forum
Kopano Community Forums Ankündigungen, Hilfe, Support uvm.
Kopano Wiki & Knowledge base inklusive Scripts und Tools
GitHub Mirror of Kopano related projects
GitHub Tools für Zarafa wie Scripts, Python-Zarafa uvm.
NW.js eine alte Version (ca. Mitte 2020) wird in der Kopano DeskApp verwendet
Z-Push ActiveSync für Kopano uvm. - alt wird nicht merh gepflegt
Z-Push ActiveSync für Kopano uvm. - das neue Repository auf Git Hub
Z-Push ActiveSync für Kopano uvm. - Mat's Fork auf Git Hub

Benno MailArchiv
Benno MailArchiv E-Mail Archivierung

Open Horizons - connecting the GroupWise Community

Other GroupWare Systems
Roundcube This project is a free and open source web mail solution with a desktop-like user interface, that runs on a standard LAMPP server
SOGo Share your calendars, address books and mails in your community with a completely free and open source solution
DOVECOT The Secure IMAP server

Mapi Tools for grommunio and Exchange
stephenegriffin/mfcmapi MFCMapi at GitHub

ActiveSync Tools for grommunio and Exchange
testconnectivity.microsoft.com Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer, ActiveSync Test.
Wichtig: "Servereinstellungen manuell angeben" und das richtige Passwort angeben
Docs. Microsoft - Direct Push explanation of Direct Push - ActiveSync

SEP sesam Backup Software
SEP sesam Backup Software
SEP Wiki main page Documentation, What's New, Issues & Limitations, and more
SEP Wiki Microsoft Exchange backup and restore with SEP sesam Exchange Recovery Pro for version 4.4.1.x
SEP sesam Download Center
Community Edition jetzt kostenlos downloaden

IGEL Thin Clients
IGEL Thin Clients
Unofficial IGEL Thin / Zero Client and Cloud Computing information blog@cloud-client.info

SUSE Enterprise Linux
SUSE Linux Enterprise Support Lifecycle for SUSE Linux Enterprise Platform Products
Release Notes for SUSE products
Open SUSE Linux is a free and Linux-based operating system for your PC, Laptop or Server
Open SUSE Linux the Open Build Service Portal
Suse Blog Introducing the SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Security Module More on TLS and SSL
SUSE Blog TLS 1.2 for Apache2 web server
SSL LABS SSL Server Test
weakdh.org Site about Weak Diffie-Hellman and the Logjam Attack Guide to Deploying Diffie-Hellman for TLS and test for Logjam Attack
Frank Linux Systems Wien, FLS DISTRIBUTION

Release Notes for Debian 11 (bullseye), 64-bit PC released on August 14. 2021
Debian Linux eine freie universelle Linux Distribution
Debian Linux Übersicht der Versionen
Debian Popularity Contest The popularity contest project is an attempt to map the usage of Debian packages
DebConf The Debian Developer Conference
Debian Linux Backports
Debian (LTS) Long Term Support for i386 and amd64
Devuan Linux Debian Fork mit Sys-V Init
Debian 11 "bullseye" There is an isenkram-based procedure which lets users detect and fix missing firmware on their systems, in an automated fashion
Debian unofficial non-free images including firmware packages
Steve's blog Firmware - what are we going to do about it?
THE DEBIAN ADMINISTRATOR'S HANDBOOK Debian Buster from Discovery to Mastery
Raphael Hertzog Debian Developer
Introduction to SELinux on Debian how to setup SELinux on Debian
Knoppix Linux  Debian based Linux Distribution, will start from CD
Damn Small Linux, a.k.a. DSL, will start from CD
grml  - Linux Live-CD for sysadmins / texttool-users / geeks
Finnix  - Linux Live-CD for sysadmins / texttool-users / geeks
Ubuntu Linux Project Homepage
Ubuntu Linux deutsches User Portal
snapcraft - The app store for Linux Publish your app for Linux users — for desktop, cloud, and Internet of Things

Linux & Open Source
Linux in Österreich
The Linux Foundation
linux.com is brought to you by The Linux Foundation
linux.org Eine andere Linux Seite
lpi.org Linux Professional Institute - LPIC-1 to LPIC-3 Certification Program
froscon.de FrOSCon ist eine Konferenz rund um die Themen Freie Software und Open Source in der Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
free desktop put GNOME & KDE together
kernel.org Linux Kernel
KernelNewbies Informations about Linux Kernel
lkml.org (unofficial) Linux Kernel Mailing List archive
lwn.net Linux Weekly News
DistroWatch Informations about Linux Distributions
Linuxtopia an extensive online resource for anyone learning or deploying enterprise level open source technology
Linuxtopia Free On-Line Linux Technical Books and Tutorials
Die.net Linux Documentation
SELinux is a security enhancement to Linux which allows users and administrators more control over access control
OpenSource Portal der WKO
Éric Lévenez's site Linux und Windows History uvm.
Florian Effenberger Blog about Open Source, Mikrotik and others
Debian Linux, base for many other Linux systems
SUSE Linux, Made in Germany
Open SUSE Linux is a free and Linux-based operating system for your PC, Laptop or Server
Ubuntu Linux Project Homepage
Ubuntu Linux deutsches User Portal
Knoppix Linux Debian based Linux Distribution, will start from CD
Damn Small Linux, a.k.a. DSL, will start from CD
grml   - Linux Live-CD for sysadmins / texttool-users / geeks
KODI   - the ultimate entertainment center
Batocera.linux is an open-source and completely free retro-gaming distribution that can be copied to a USB stick or an SD card
KALI Linux The most advanced penetration testing distribution, ever
OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System
FAI - Fully Automatic Installation Motto: Plan your installation, and FAI installs your plan
AppImage Linux-Anwendungen, die überall laufen
Relax-and-Recover is a setup-and-forget Linux bare metal disaster recovery solution
Rheinwerk Verlag Open Source Books - formerly Galileo Press
linuxtoday.com Linux Online Magazine
Linupedia dem Wiki des Linux Club - Support-Wiki für (nicht nur) openSUSE Linux
KANOTIX  Linux including NdisWrapper
Heise Verlag Open Source Infos
Linux From Scratch
VIM the Editor
LinuxCOE  The HP Linux Common Operating Environment (LinuxCOE) is a global engineering program
WikiPedia Comparison of disk cloning software
Parted Magic  Partition Resize Tools, lauffähig von CD
GParted  Gnome Partition Editor, extrem leistungsfähig (auf Parted Magic CD enthalten)
Partimage  Partition Editor (auf Parted Magic CD enthalten)
CloneZilla  Tool um Partitionen zu kopieren (auf Parted Magic CD enthalten)
SAMBA.org SAMBA Projekt Homepage
SerNet Samba+ Packages SAMBA+ is available as software subscription, aktuelle SAMBA 4 Pakete
SAMBA.org rsync web pages
wiki.SAMBA.org Dokumentation zu Samba 4
LDAP Account Manager (LAM) manages Unix, Samba 3/4, Zarafa, DHCP, SSH keys, group of names and much more
dd_rhelp a frontend for dd_rescue
WebMin Project
drbd Distributed Replicated Block Device
IPMI Management Utilities ipmiutil - server management functions
X.org X.Org Foundation
Wikipedia X Window System
Cygwin/X Xserver für Windows basierend auf Cygwin
Cygwin Linux Programme unter Windows laufen lassen
XMins Deutsche Seite zu XMins der Uni Osnabrück
Xming Projekt Home Xserver für Windows, frei und Spenden-finanziert
Xming Download Xserver für Windows, frei und Spenden-finanziert
LabF Xserver und mehr für Windows, frei und kostenpflichtig
freedesktop.org is open source / open discussion software projects working on interoperability and shared technology
for X Window System desktops like GNOME and KDE
Who-T Peter Hutterer's blog about X11 and more
Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
The Linux Documentation Project
SSD Myths and Legends "write endurance"
UBIFS - UBI File-System UBIFS is a new flash file system
JesFS V1.1 a simple flash file system for embedded systems
RedBoot RedBoot is a complete bootstrap environment for embedded systems
Das U-Boot the Universal Boot Loader, denx.de, the company behind U-Boot
GitHub the U-Boot - Universal Boot Loader source tree
Boot Info Script Its primary use is for troubleshooting booting problems
netboot.xyz is a way to PXE boot various operating system installers or utilities from one place
CoreBoot (formerly known as LinuxBIOS) Free Software project aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS
Etherboot/gPXE is an open source (GPL) network bootloader. It provides a direct replacement for proprietary PXE ROMs
NetBoot booten von Rechnern ohne Festplatte - veraltet, scheinbar keine Weiterentwicklung
Intel Open Source Projekte
Intel Meshcentral is open source and is both a peer-to-peer technology with a wide array of uses and web service that is
targeted for remote monitoring and management of computers and devices
Linux Terminal Server Project adds thin client support to Linux servers
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine
PostgreSQL Popular Open Source SQL Database
MariaDB Popular Open Source SQL Database
MySql Open Source SQL Database
phpMyAdmin Bringing MySQL to the web
Adminer Replace phpMyAdmin with Adminer and you will get a tidier user interface, better support for MySQL features, higher performance and more security
RPM pbone.net RPMs für viele Linuxversionen suchen und finden
software.opensuse.org RPMs für SUSE und OpenSUSE
yocto Project It's not an embedded Linux distribution - it creates a custom one for you
- Messenger
Miranda NG ist eine Abspaltung des bekannten Multi-Protokoll-Messengers Miranda IM für Windows. Unterstützt TLS 1.1 und TLS 1.2
Gajim ein einfach zu handhabenden Jabber/XMPP-Client für Windows und Linux
strongSwan the OpenSource IPsec-based VPN Solution
Openswan Openswan is an IPsec implementation for Linux
strongSwan für Open SUSE
Humboldt Universität OpenVPN Wiki (deutsch)
tinct VPN für Linux und Windows
WireGuard a fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel for Linux, Windows, MAC, Android and iOS
SHREW SOFT VPN für BSD, Linux und Windows
Lobotomo Software IPSecuritas VPN now available for OS X
OpenVPN.net VPN for Windows, MAC, Android and iOS
- ext2/ext3 für Windows
fs-driver.org Ext2 Installable File System For Windows
DiskInternals.com Freeware Linux Reader for Windows
chrysocome.net Explore2fs
Wikipedia Informationen zu ext2/ext3
- Tipps & Foren & Tools
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way by Eric Steven Raymond
Just Linux Linux Foren
Saikee's grub booting tips
LWN.net Linux Seiten
MOOSY Linux Blog and Driver Site
Bash home page Bash is the GNU Project's shell—the Bourne Again SHell
Bash Reference Manual is a brief description of the features that are present in the Bash shell
ShellCheck finds bugs in your shell scripts
ExplainShell This site contains 29761 parsed manpages from sections 1 and 8 found in Ubuntu's manpage repository.
tldr pages To Long To Read, Simplified and community-driven man pages.
- Linux Debugging
kernel.org - KDB Using kgdb, kdb and the kernel debugger internals
ShellCheck finds bugs in your shell scripts
- Firewalls
FireHOL the iptables stateful packet filtering firewall builder
Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall) iptables made easy
firewalld A service daemon with D-Bus interface
OPNsense Secure Your Network with ease. From Virtual Private Networking to Intrusion Detection, Best in class, FREE Open Source Project.
- Mobile Geräte
OpenMoko Integrated Open Source Mobile Communications Platform
Android Open Source Project - Phone Software
- Mini Computer for Router and Embedded
MikroTik Hersteller der Router Hardware
Mini-Box PICO size computing - small cool and silent computing
Mini-Box mini DC-DC ATX Power Supplies - picoPSU
ENGICAM MicroDev IOT Gateway - General purpose miniature carrier board based on MicroGEA modules
Engicam - BLOG Information for Yocto and Engicam products
FSL Community BSP is a community driven project to provide and maintain a Board Support Package meta layer to be used with OpenEmbedded-Core and Poky
FSL Community BSP Release Notes 2.4 documentation - Yocto Rocko
FOX BOARD a complete Linux system on a small board
Microwulf: A Personal, Portable Beowulf Cluster

Embedded Projekte und Tools
ARM Processor IP and IoT Products
MIPS Processors are the CPU of choice for the future of computing (MIPS a MediaTek Company)
RISC-V Foundation The Free and Open RISC Instruction Set Architecture
NXP Semiconductor Manufacturer, produces ARM SoC, (Freescale)
Microchip Industry's Broadest and Most Innovative 32-bit Microcontroller Portfolio, MIPS and ARM
ESPRESSIF ESP32 - A Different IoT Power and Performance
Engicam baut ARM CPU Module, wir sind der Distributor in Österreich, Anfragen und Bestellungen bitte an: Hofstädtler I.E. GmbH
GELIN - GINZINGER EMBEDDED LINUX Die robuste und zuverlässige Plattform für Ihre Geräteentwicklung
denx.de U-Boot - the Universal Boot Loader
The Yocto Project directly supports many major architectures with Board Support Packages (BSPs)
The Yocto Project index : meta-fsl-arm
CERN SystemOnChip web Tutorials on the use of Yocto and other tools
GitHub - Engicam Engicam yocto meta layer - engicam-stable/meta-engicam
Engicam - BLOG Information for Yocto and Engicam products
Freescale / NXP Yocto Project main page
FSL Community BSP is a community driven project to provide and maintain a Board Support Package meta layer to be used with OpenEmbedded-Core and Poky
Microchip / Atmel Welcome to AT91SAM Community Discussions
linux4sam GitHub Linux & Open Source related information for AT91 Smart ARM Microcontrollers
isee.biz How to modify the uboot environment from userspace
legato.io An open source Linux-based embedded platform designed to simplify connected IoT application development - Sierra Wireless
BUSYBOX The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
Micron Tools like: FBGA & Component Marking Decoder - maps abbreviated part marking to part number
ESPRESSIF the Internet of Things with ESP32
DeviceTree.org Website
OpenEmbedded The build framework for embedded Linux
Buildroot Making Embedded Linux Easy
linaro.org building the future of Open Source Software on ARM
ltib.org Linux Target Image Builder - is a tool that can be used to develop and deploy BSPs (Board Support Packages) - out dated

Smart Home Projekte und Tools
Tasmota GitHub
Tasmota Dokumentation
Tasmota Template Repository
Deutsche Tasmota-Facebookgruppe
ESPurna GitHub
ESPurna Dokumentation
ESPEasy GitHub
ESPEasy Dokumentation
the open source firmware for ESP8266 / ESP8285 / ESP32. old documentation
the open source firmware for ESP8266 / ESP8285 / ESP32. Welcome to ESP Easy’s documentation!
Shelly Dokumentation
Shelly MQTT-Dokumentation
Zigbee2MQTT GitHub
WLED Webseite Welcome to my project WLED!
WLED-App iOS and Android App
Getting Started - Dokumentation Welcome to the WLED wiki!
Anleitung zum Flashen This is by far the easiest and fastest way to get WLED up and running!
Flashen über den Browser Funktioniert nur in Chromium-basierten Browsern (Chrome, Edge, Chromium)
Quinled-Webseite Welcome to QuinLED.info
Netzteil-Empfehlungen von Quinled
Quinled Dig Uno Hardware
WLED HTTP-API Dokumentation
Hardware-Guide für Quinled Dig Uno 2.5 QuinLED-Dig-Uno Hardware guide
Home Assistant Webseite Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.

RISC-V Foundation The Free and Open RISC Instruction Set Architecture
Webseite von David A. Patterson RISC-V Entwickler
RISC-V Compliance Tests Erklärt, wie die Prüfung auf RISC-V-Kompatibilität (Signatur) funktioniert
lowRISC a not-for-profit community interest company with an engineering team based in Cambridge, UK
CHIPS Alliance CHIPS (Common Hardware for Interfaces, Processors and Systems) Alliance harnesses the energy of open source collaboration to accelerate hardware development
Debian This page contains details about a port of Debian for the RISC-V architecture called riscv64
SiFive RISC-V core IP, available now
beaglev.org BeagleV - is an initiative by the BeagleBoard.org Foundation in service of our open source community to advance open hardware by embracing the RISC-V open instruction set architecture
Western Digital Open Source RISC-V SweRV Instruction Set Simulator
GitHub Rocket Chip Generator
RISC-V BOOM The Berkeley Out-of-Order RISC-V Processor
Google RISC-V SW Dev
Bellabrd TinyEMU is a system emulator for the RISC-V and x86 architectures
CrowdSupply HiFive Unleashed Expansion Board, by Microsemi Programmable Solutions Business Unit now Microchip
CrowdSupply Libre RISC-V M-Class, A 100% libre RISC-V + 3D GPU chip for mobile devices

LoRa - Long Range WAN
SEMTECH the LoRa Developer
LoRa Specification
ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server
DRAGINO many LoRa products and more

ESP32 / ESP8266 - Projekte
Wikipedia Xtensa configurable processor microprocessor core
ESPRESSIF ESP32 - A Different IoT Power and Performance
esp32.net the Internet of Things with ESP32
C'T Tuya-Convert: IoT-Geräte ohne Löten vom Cloud-Zwang befreien
Github/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert Tuya-Convert auf GitHub
Github/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO
Github/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota Technisch identische Infrarot-Box als Gerät im Tasmota-Wiki
Github/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota Codes for IR Remotes (for YTF IR Bridge)
Github/mdhiggins/ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster ESP8266 Compatible IR Blaster
Github/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266 Infrared remote library for ESP8266

Asterisk Telefonanlage
Digium / Sangoma die Asterisk Entwickler
Asterisk: The Future of Telephony Asterisk Documentation
Asterisk: The Future of Telephony O'Reilly Media mit Errata
rfc3261 SIP
rfc3550 RTP
asteriskguru Infos zu Asterisk
asteriskguro Soft Phones for Asterisk
NANPA: North American Numbering Plan Administration
OpenSS7 Project SS7 Signaling System No. 7 für Linux
SIP Phone Learning Tool SPLiT is a very simple, not performant, insecure, and non fully RFC compliant SIP stateless proxy, DHCP, TFTP and HTTP server

Versions Control Software
git the fast version control system - used for the Linux Kernel
TortoiseGit The coolest Interface to (Git) Version Control for Windows
Git Tools Submodules
Subversion Apache Subversion, "Enterprise-class centralized version control for the masses"
TortoiseSVN is an easy-to-use SCM / source control software for Windows
GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. Github was sold to Microsoft
GitLab is a complete DevOps platform
Bonobo Git Server Simple git server for Windows
Quilt allows you to easily manage large numbers of patches

Assembler, (De-) Compiler, Interpreter und Debugger
sandpile.org x86 Opcode list for Intel and other processors
wxWidgets A cross-platform application and UI framework
Qt A cross-platform application and UI framework
Qt GNU LPGL is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Qt GNU LPGL What You Need to Know about the GNU LGPL
Qt Blog Blog about Qt products
GitHub/ElektorLabs/160520-QT-compile-and-install-manual Compile and Install QT for the raspberry pi
SectorC: A C Compiler in 512 bytes, Github xorvoid/sectorc
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection
SDCC Small Device C Compiler
BOOST a C++ Library Repository Web Site
{fmt} is an open-source formatting library providing a fast and safe alternative to C stdio and C++ iostreams
The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM)
rust-lang.org A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software
D Programming Language
Wikipedia D Programmiersprache
F# Programming Language for DotNet
DOTNETFramework.de Informationen zu .NET
Microsoft Code Gallery (Ersatz für GotDotNet)
ic#code #develop - The Open Source Development Environment for .NET
mono-project mono - Cross platform, open source .NET development framework
Haskell An advanced, purely functional programming language
Netwide x86-Assembler Open Source mit Intel/Microsoft-Syntax mit x86-64 Unterstützung
TweetX86 Pure client-side combination of Nasm, Em-Dosbox and WebAssembly to show off your x86 skills in a tweet (or more).
radare.org Libre and Portable Reverse Engineering Framework
Retargetable Decompiler RetDec is an open-source machine-code decompiler based on LLVM. (c) 2017 by Avast Software
Decompiler support for x86, 68k, PowerPC processors (partial support for Arm, Mips, Sparc, Z80, m6502, PDP-11)
Reko a binary decompiler a general purpose decompiler
ghidra-sre.org A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA's Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission
GDB The GNU Project Debugger
GNU GDB Core Dump Debugging Artikel zum GDB
x64dbg An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows
0x05 writing plugin for ImpREC
Microsoft WDK, WinDbg and Visual Studio downloads
qbasic.de alles über QBasic
SelfQB ein QBasic-Crashkurs
PureBasic das rasend schnelle BASIC für Windows und Linux
FORTH, Inc. Forth systems for Windows, macOS, and Linux developers
Forth programming language
ForthFreak wiki
faqs.org comp.lang.forth FAQ: General Information
java.com Java Home - benötigt seit dem 16. April 2019 ein Java SE-Abonnement!
Oracle Java download (requires a paid subscription)
OpenJDK JDK ist die offizielle freie Implementierung der Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) von Sun Microsystems und stellt den freien Nachfolger des Java Development Kit (JDK) dar. Quelle: Wikipedia
Adoptium / AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK mit Installer für die meisten Betriebssysteme, nun unter dem Dach der Eclipse Foundation
Amazon Corretto Kostenlose, plattformübergreifende, produktionsbereite Distribution des Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK)
NetBeans.org NetBeans IDE
Eclipse.org Eclipse IDE
Kdevelop.org IDE
Processing eine Java ähnliche Programmiersprache
The Scala Programming Language Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming in one concise, high-level language
Lua.org Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language
Python.org Python a Script Language
AwareTek Resources for Python and more by Ron Stephens
AwareTek on Twitter Podcasts for Python and more by Ron Stephens
CircuitPython is a programming language designed to simplify experimenting and learning to code on low-cost microcontroller boards
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments
Free Pascal and Lazarus foundation The Free Pascal and Lazarus foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the
promotion and sponsoring of the open source Free Pascal and Lazarus projects
Niklaus Wirth Prof. Homepage bei ETH Zürich
heise.de - Niklaus Wirth - ein Pionier der Informatik wird 85 Einer der bedeutendsten Informatiker, der Erfinder von
Programmiersprachen wie PL360, Pascal, Modula 2 und Oberon wird 85
Agner Fog Research Software optimization resources
StackOverflow.com Eine hilfreiche Website für Softwareentwickler
Joel on Software Blog
SecurityXploded Tools für Entwickler wie ProcHeapViewer und mehr
- Hardware debugging
RWEverything This utility access almost all the computer hardware, including PCI (PCI Express), PCI Index/Data, Memory, Memory Index/Data, I/O Space, I/O Index/Data, Super I/O, Clock Generator, DIMM SPD, SMBus Device, CPU MSR Registers, ATA/ATAPI Identify Data, Disk Read Write, ACPI Tables Dump (include AML decode), Embedded Controller, USB Information, SMBIOS Structures, PCI Option ROMs, MP Configuration Table, E820, EDID and Remote Access.
BASIC INPUT/OUTPUT RWEverything. Yes, Everything. How to use RWEverything
- Projects & Software - Code Hubs
GitHub project repository
freshcode.club Open-Source-Software
savannah the software forge for people committed to Free Software
sourceforge.net Projects
FossHub.com A free hosting service for Open Source projects
Codeberg.org will be more than just Git hosting for your projects: We are a community of like-mined Free Software and Content Creators.
NotABug.org is a Peers Community project
Eclipse.org an open development platform
Mono Open-Source Project
SANS Institute CWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors
Common Weakness Enumeration 2009 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors
The Code Project Free Source Code and Tutorials
Microsoft Code Gallery Browse code samples
Krugle Comprehensive solutions for code discovery & maintenance
CodeGuru Quellcodes
Rosetta Code Programmierte Lösungen in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen gelöst
99 Bottles of Beer Das Lied "99 Bottles of Beer" in 1315 Programmiersprechen
- Dokumentation
Read the Docs Create, host, and browse documentation.
Doxygen Generate documentation from source code
Sphinx Python Documentation Generator
Adafruit learn How to Sign Windows Drivers & Executables

Emulatoren, VM & Simulatoren
Proxmox Open-Source Virtualization Platform - Made in Austria
VM Ware PC Emulator
Deutsches VM Ware Forum
Parallels PC Emulator
VirtualBox.org is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products
Xen Tools Org. Tools for Xen
University of Cambridge The Xen virtual machine monitor
Quemu CPU Emulator Quemu
OpenVZ.org is an Operating System-level server virtualization solution, built on Linux
KVM Kernel Based Virtual Machine
DOSBox Emulator für DOS auf neuen PCs
TurnKeyLinux Linux mit fertigen VM Appliances für Amazon EC2 cloud
Bochs IA-32 (x86) PC emulator
PearPC PowerPC Architecture Emulator - Sourceforge
PearPC PowerPC Architecture Emulator - GitHub
Linux-VServer.org provides virtualization for GNU/Linux systems
Universität Karlsruhe (TH) The L4Ka Project
MAC on Linux
MIPS32 Simulator active site
MIPS R3000 virtual machine simulator
Docker Homepage
Docker Repositories auf Github
c't Artikel zu Docker dieser Artikel wird laufend erweitert.
trivy findet Sicherheitslücken in Container Images
trivy Repository auf Github
Vulnerability Analysis of 2500 Docker Hub Images PDF Dokument
Visual Transistor-level Simulation of the 6502 CPU and other chips
MOnSter 6502 A new dis-integrated circuit project to make a complete, working transistor-scale replica of the classic MOS 6502 microprocessor
6502.org is a resource for people interested in building hardware or writing software for the 6502 microprocessor and its relatives - quite old
bigmessowires.com Nibbler 4 Bit CPU - build with 13 TTL chips
bigmessowires.com BMOW 1 Computer - Build the CPU from scratch, primarily using basic 7400-series logic

Algorithms, code snippets and more
UK The Aggregate Magic Algorithms
stanford.edu Bit Twiddling Hacks
Johnny Lee Summary of fast conversion algorithms
LeetCode LeetCode is the best platform to help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge

Verteiltes Rechnen
SETi@home SETI@home is a scientific experiment, based at UC Berkeley, that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
BoeWulf class cluster computers
Forum Rechenkraft.net Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung von Bildung, Forschung und Wissenschaft durch Einsatz vernetzter Computer
Open Grid Forum An Open Global Forum for Advanced Distributed Computing
MyGrid MyGrid is an Open Source grid and grid middleware

Produktlebenszyklen / Lifecycle / EOL
Apple Abgekündigte und Vintage-Produkte
Avira Product LifeCycle
ClamAV End of Life (EOL) Policy
ESET Product LifeCycle Business Produkte
ESET Product LifeCycle Home Produkte
Micro Focus Product Support LifeCycle, including GroupWise and OES
Micro Focus Support Status change reminder for Collaboration Solutions products
Microsoft Windows Life-Cycle Policy
Microsoft Windows Life-Cycle Policy - Product Search
Microsoft 10 Windows 10 Home and Pro
Microsoft Surface driver and firmware lifecycle for Windows-based devices
Mitsubishi Electric Germany - Factory Automation End of Life (EOL)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle
SEP sesam SEP sesam OS and Database Support Matrix
SOPHOS Product and Platform Retirements: all Sophos products
SUSE Linux Enterprise Support LifeCycle for SUSE Linux Enterprise Platform Products
Tandberg Data EOL Notification - 1U Rackmount SCSI
Tandberg Data EOL Notification - StorageLibrary T24 & T40+ LTO-4HH
ubuntu LTS Life Cycle
Zarafa Software Products 7.0 Support Lifecycle Policy as PDF
ZEN Cart Software Support Life Cycle
Zyxel End of Life Products Support Life Cycle
Google Cemetery A list of dead Google products and why they died

Computerviren, Trojaner & Dialer
AV-Test.org Tests von Anti-Viren-Software
heise Security Testmails mit Dateianhängen um Mailfilter und Virenscanner zu testen
AV comparatives.org Independent comparatives of Anti-Virus Software
Virustotal analysiert verdächtige Dateien und erleichtert die schnelle Erkennung
eicar Testvirus
botfrei Anti-Botnet Beratungszentrum
ClamAV freier Virusscanner
extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs The clamav-unofficial-sigs script provides a simple way to download, test, and update third-party signature databases
ESET Leistungsfähiger Virenscanner
ESET ESET Knowledgebase Business Products
ESET Hilfe Hilfeseiten, Handbücher und weitere Dokumentation der ESET Produkte
youtube ESET Knowledgebase
ESET Forum - ESET Business User Products
ESET [KB332] Ports and addresses required to use your ESET product with a third-party firewall
welivesecurity Award-winning news, views, and insight from the ESET security community
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik IT-Grundschutz-Tool
Heise Security Informationen
Heise Browser Check
Virus Bulletin
Trojaner Info DE
TU Berlin Computer-Viren, die keine sind (sog. "Hoaxes")
Internet ScamBustersTM ("Hoaxes" und ähnliches)
Dialer und ihre rechtliche Beurteilung Dialer sind inzwischen veraltet, passt aber auch auf Viren

Ransomware & Erpressungstrojaner & Entschlüsselungstools
ID Ransomware herausfinden, ob es bereits ein Entschlüsselungstool gibt
No More Ransomware bietet mittlerweile über 100 Entschlüsselungstools zum Download an
AVG Now Don't pay the Ransom! AVG releases six free decryption tools to retrieve your files
Leo Stone / hack-peta search key to restore petya encrypted mft
Sophos The State of Ransomware 2022

Spyware & Pishing
comparitech How to remove spyware for free and which tools to use
Stanford University Security experts unveil defense against phishing
Stanford University SpoofGuard is a tool to help prevent a form of malicious attack called "web spoofing" or "phishing"
Stanford University Web Password Hashing
Grey Listing The Next Step in the Spam Control War
schweikert.ch Postgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
Die Rückkehr der Web-Bugs HTTP over X.509 - a whitepaper

eMail & Spam & Open Relay Databases
RFC 5782 zum Umgang mit Blacklisten ©Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)
DNSBL Resource- Infos zu Blacklisten
Trend Micro Email Reputation Services
The Network Abuse Clearinghouse
Spam Cop - Spam Liste
Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS)
MXToolbox.org Blacklisten Übersicht
Blacklistalerts.org Blacklisten Übersicht
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email - CAUCE
The Apache SpamAssassin Project
Rspamd Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
- eMail - Sender Verification / SPF
RFC 822 Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages
RFC 2821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
RFC 1400 Transition and Modernization of the Internet Registration Service
RFC 1035 Domain names - implementation and specification
Kitterman Technical Services SPF Record Testing Tools
dkim.org Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM)
Google Richtlinien für Absender von Massen-E-Mails - verwendet (DKIM)
dnsstuff.com DNS Stuff - DNS Analyse
CheckTLS.com Secure Email Test Tools and Services - tests
dane.sys4.de DANE SMTP Validator
dnswl.org Mail reputation – Protect against false positives

Computer-Sicherheit / Forensic
Qualys SSL Labs many SSL Tests for Server and Browser
';--have i been pwned? Suche nach Loginnamen bei denen die Passwörter geknackt wurden?
Pwned Passwords Suche nach geknackten Passwörtern?
HackNotice erkennt gehackte Accounts und Seiten
WebAuthn.io A demo of the WebAuthn specification
SANS Internet Storm Center
Didier Stevens pflegt seine eigene Sammlung kleiner Tools für die Analyse von IT-Sicherheitsvorfällen
SANS ISC - Didier Stevens Small Challenge: A Simple Word Maldoc, you will learn about tools like XORseacrh or numbers-to-string
Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit 1.0 This set of tools allows enterprise security administrators to download, analyze, test, edit and store Microsoft-recommended security configuration baselines for Windows and other Microsoft products, while comparing them against other security configurations

FIDO Authentication
Login with FIDO Login Has Never Been Easier-Or Safer!
FIDO Alliance Solving the World's Password Problem
SoloKeys The first open-source FIDO2 security key
GitHub SoloKeys GitHub Repository

Password Safe
KeePass Password Safe an Open Source Password Safe - Project and Download Page
KeeWeb Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
KeeWeb Source Code on GitHub
KeePassXC Cross-Platform Password Manager, compatible with KeePass
- Meltdown and Spectre - Reading privileged memory with a side-channel
Google Project Zero Reading privileged memory with a side-channel - Posted by Jann Horn, Project Zero
Greg Kroah-Hartman Meltdown and Spectre Linux Kernel Status
SUSE Security Vulnerability: "Meltdown" and "Spectre" side channel attacks against modern CPUs
heise Security Gravierende Prozessor-Sicherheitslücke: Nicht nur Intel-CPUs betroffen, erste Details und Updates

Hardening Apache2, NextCloud uvm.
Debian Apache Hardening
Nextcloud Security Scan Check the security of your private Nextcloud server - works also for OnCloud
SAMBA Protecting an unpatched Samba server

Elektro & Electronic Organisationen
Bundesinnung der Elektro-, Audio-, Video- und Alarmanlagentechniker
Wiener Innung der Mechatroniker
Arbeitskreis Notfallmedizin und Rettungswesen e.V. an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
IPC Industry association for Printed Circuit board and electronics manufacturing service companies
FED Fachverband für Design, Leiterplatten-& Elektronikfertigung
KERP - Kompetenzzentrum Elektro(nik)altgeräte Recycling & nachhaltige Produktentwicklung

Elektrotechnik, Elektronik & Kommunikation
E-Online - Elektronik: Grundlagen, Digitaltechnik, Schaltungstechnik, Messtechnik und Bauelemente (elko)
Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary
Pinouts.ws collection
Pinouts.ru Handbook of hardware pinouts, cables schemes and connectors layouts
howstuffworks featured electronic
howstuffworks Simple Gates
Lewis Loflin Student-Hobbyist Electronics Projects Tutorials
Smithsonian The Chip Collection is a continuing collection work-in-progress concerning a small part of the permanent collection of the Division of Information Technology & Society's Electricity Collections
Mikhail Svarichevsky Fotos von Halbleiter Chips
Silicon Zoo Grafiken auf Computerchips
Siliconpr0n High resolution chip maps
Mister Transistor Historic Semiconductors
Ken Shirriff's blog Xerox Alto restoration, IC reverse engineering, chargers, and whatever
mycalcdb.free.fr Welcome on My Calculators Database
CPU-Galaxy A virtual museum of vintage and rare CPUs, chips, boards and related stuff
www.aufzu.de Halbleiter-Ecke, Wörterbücher-Ecke, FPGA-Kochecke
Siliconpr0n Integrated circuit reverse engineering wiki
hjs.lima-city.de DDR Halbleiter teilweise mit Datenblätter
Henrik Haftmann DDR-Halbleiter - Kurzdatenblätter und Vergleichsliste
CARDSPEED - Card Readers and Memory Cards
www.waxy.org Oscilloscope Fun and Games
britneyspears.ac Britney Spears' Guide to Semiconductor Physics
bunnie:studios bunnie's blog
Bellard SOme (Tiny) Software Projects
LeapSecond.com A web site dedicated to precise Time & Frequency
ELNET IC-logos search by Logo or by Manufacturer name
WestFlorida Components Logos and Websites for Major Semiconductor Manufacturers
how-to.wikia.com How to identify integrated circuit (chip) manufacturers by their logos
Micron Tools and Utilities like: FBGA & Component Marking Decoder - maps abbreviated part marking to part number
MERCK - FLÜSSIGKRISTALLDISPLAY-TECHNOLOGIEN Merck, größter Hersteller von Flüssigkristall-Materialien für LC-Displays, erläutert auf seiner Website unter der Überschrift Flüssigkristalldisplay-Technologien, wie diese Art von Displays funktionieren
MERCK - Displayaufbau Im LCD-Explorer kann man selbst Hand anlegen. Hier lassen sich die Flüssigkristalle für Rot, Grün und Blau steuern und man kann dabei beobachten, wie die Mischfarbe sich ändert
DesignSpark Elektronik Seite powered by RS
element14 Elektronik Seite powered by Premier Farnell plc
eCUBE Portal promotes your products from electrotechnics for free
Silicon Motion Flash Controller Chips
Digital Radio Mondiale Digitales Kurzwellen Radio

Whisker Problematik
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Tin and Zinc Photo Gallery
NEMI Tin Whisker Projects
Wikipedia Whisker (metallurgy)

Röhren, Nixies und alte Radios
JJ Electronic fertigen Röhren und Elektrolytkondensatoren in der Slowakei
TubeProfi Röhren / Tubes
Onkel Frihus Röhren lesenswert!
Jogis Röhrenbude Röhren und Historisches
tubecollection.de Röhren Sammlung - Tube Collection - Valve Collection
Frank's Electron tube Pages Electron tube Data sheet collection
jb-electronics.de Nixie-Röhren
The Valve Museum Historic tube collection
Home-made Electron Tube Replica by Dr. Rüdiger Walz
Kickstarter ZIN18 - the new Nixie Tube & clocks
Millclock ZIN18 - the new Nixie Tube & clocks
Frag Jan zuerst - Ask Jan First GmbH & Co. KG Verkauf von alten Röhren, Geiger Müller Zähler, Nixis usw.
Tube-Tester.com Röhren und Nixi Tubes, Nixi Clocks
Stefan Kneller Funkuhr mit Nixieröhren
nixieuhren.de Willkommen in der wunderschönen Welt der Nixie Röhren
Elektor 6-digit Nixie clock
Elektor VFD-tube Clock with ESP32
Integral.br SN74141 Binär dezimaler Hochspannungsdecoder (60VDC), Hersteller Integral in Weißrussland
Tube Time, Web site of Eric Schlaepfer electronic projects with old components like CRT tubes, an 6502 CPU built with transistors
Mike's Electric Stuff electronic projects and a lot of Nixie stuff
VDF Clock with IV18 Tube Project on Git Hub
Ir. bureau Vanderveen TubeSociety - Ausbildung zum Konstrukteur von Röhrenverstärkern
The Valve Museum Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers explained
Ken Shirriff's blog Inside a 20-Watt Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier from Apollo
Historisches / Museen for Radio Museums

Sicherheitsabstände (Luft- und Kriechstrecken) in Netzgeräten
Wikipedia PC-Netzteil - Aufbau, Normen, Funktionsweise, Stecker, usw. zu PC-Netzgeräten
Mikrocontroller.net Leiterbahnabstände Übersicht
Wikipedia Kleinspannung - Schutzkleinspannung
       Bekannte Quellen von Schutzkleinspannung (engl. Safety Extra Low Voltage, SELV)
       sind Batterien sowie Klingeltransformatoren und Trafos für die Modelleisenbahn
       (Spielzeugtransformator) sowie Netzteile in Geräten der Schutzklasse III
       (z. B. Steckernetzteile oder Ladegeräte). Damit sind fast alle Steckernetzgeräte
       in der EU die durch diese Vorschrift erfasst!
       Im obigen Link werden 2 Beispiele gezeigt, die kommen je nach Anforderung auf
       Sicherheitsabstände (Luft- und Kriechstrecken) von 3,0 mm bzw. 3,6 mm!
Creepage Luft- und Kriechstreckenrechner auf Grundlage IEC 60950
       Im obigen Link kann man Sicherheitsabstände (Luft- und Kriechstrecken) berechnen,
       2,0 mm ergibt sich sowohl bei "Basisisolierung" und "doppelter Isolierung"
       (kein Schutzleiter)!
SIGEM ELEKTRONIK Qualität von PC-Netzteilen - PC-Netzteile als Beispiel für einen gefährlichen Kostendruck
Heise.de - Kommentar zu gefährlichen Lichterketten: Wenn die Todeswarnung ungehört verhallt
- Analyse von original Apple Netzgeräten und gefälschten Apple Netzgeräten
Ken Shirriff's blog iPad charger teardown: inside Apple's charger and a risky phony
Ken Shirriff's blog Tiny, cheap, and dangerous: Inside a (fake) iPhone charger
Ken Shirriff's blog A dozen USB chargers in the lab: Apple is very good, but not quite the best
Ken Shirriff's blog Teardown and exploration of Apple's Magsafe connector
EU Rapid Alert System - Search alerts Suche nach gefährlichen Produkten

Micro Controller und Elektronik Projekte
OPEN HARDWARE, a place on the web for electronics designers at experimental physics facilities to collaborate
on open hardware designs, much in the philosophy of the free software movement
OPEN HARDWARE, open hardware designs
CHDK Canon Hacker's Development Kit - Open-Source-Erweiterungen für Canon-Kameras
kbdbabel open source keyboard translator project
tuxgraphics.org the place for AVR microcontroller, DIY electronics and science fun!
Open On-Chip Debugger Free and Open On-Chip Debugging, In-System Programming and Boundary-Scan Testing JTAG
flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips
The "Three Fives" Discrete 555 Timer Re-create of the most classic and popular 555 chip with transistors
Tube Time, Web site of Eric Schlaepfer electronic projects with old components like CRT tubes, an 6502 CPU built with transistors
MyCPU This Computer has no CPU. It has MyCPU! All is built with 74HCxxx circuits. Design by Dennis Kuschel
MyNOR is a single board computer that does not have a CPU. Instead, the CPU consists of discrete logic gates from the 74HC series
bigmessowires.com Nibbler 4 Bit CPU - build with 13 TTL chips
homebrewcpuring the home-built computers web-ring
MOnSter 6502 A dis-integrated circuit project to make a complete, working transistor-scale replica of the classic MOS 6502 microprocessor
Evil Mad Scientist The Three Fives Kit: A Discrete 555 Timer - Re-create one of the most classic, popular, and all-around useful chips of all time
Evil Mad Scientist The XL741 Discrete Op-Amp Kit - Build a working transistor-scale replica of the classic and ubiquitous analog workhorse
DiscoverCircuits.com has 27,000+ electronic circuits
TALKING ELECTRONICS many electronic projects and circuits
B-Kainka.de Elektronik und Microcontroller
Das Elektronik-Labor Grundlagen, Einblicke und Projekte. Redaktion Burkhard Kainka
Essential Scrap This is a website for my hobby projects, usually involving electronics
SpritesMods.com At this site, I'll document my more interesting hacks for your viewing pleasure
EPFL Producing electrical power with cardboard, tape, and a pencil
bristolwatch.com Student-Hobbyist Electronics Projects Tutorials
Madis Kaal MicroControllers and Electronics, also some Basic 52 stuff
OpenRGB Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. Supports Windows and Linux
Analogrechner Rainer Glaschick - Analogrechner mit Breadboard-Modulen

USB Links
Zadig is a Windows application that installs generic USB drivers, such as WinUSB, libusb-win32/libusb0.sys or libusbK, to help you access USB devices
USBDeview by NirSoft
Isolating USB EDN Artikel
How To Boot From A USB Flash Drive a Tutorial
Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.
UNetbootin can create a bootable Live USB drive
Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files
PIC USB Alan's Corner of the Internet
USB Central by Jan Axelson

µP Links
Breaking copy protection in microcontrollers
Stack Computers: the new wave Free book published in 1989
chipKIT Embedded Platform for PIC, Inspired by ArduinoTM

Real Time Operating Systems
RIOT The friendly Operating System for the Internet of Things
FreeRTOS.org with port for Microchip PIC CPUs
Zephyr Project is a scalable real-time operating system (RTOS)

Free TCP/IP Stack Implementations
picoTCP Supporting your Internet of Things
PicoTCP-NG this is a Free fork of PicoTCP, originally distributed by Altran.be
Contiki-NG, the OS for Next Generation IoT Devices
FNET - Embedded TCP/IP Stack
Ethernut Project this is an Open Source Hardware and Software Project for building tiny Embedded Ethernet Devices

PIC Links
Microchip Company Web Seite
Microchip MLA Libraries for Applications
Microchip MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework
Microchip EZBL Easy Bootloader for PIC24 and dsPIC33
Microchip MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Microchip LoRa Technology is ideal for battery-operated sensor and low-power applications
Microchip ZENA Wireless Adapter
Microchip Wired and Wireless Connectivity Solutions for Embedded Design
Microchip RTC Solutions
Microchip Led Cube 5x5x5 RGB LED Light Cube
Linux 4 SAM Linux & Open Source related information for AT91 Smart ARM Microcontrollers
Microchip Ensemble Graphics A Linux GUI Toolkit for Microchip Microprocessors
Piklab an IDE for PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers
Eric's PIC Page
www.mikrocontroller.net PIC und andere µP
Gooligum Electronics Australien gute PIC Tutorials
Webseite zu: Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C, Learning to Fly the PIC24
Jason Kajita's personal blog MPLAB Developer
The opensource4pic Community Open Source Solutions for PIC Microcontrollers
chipKIT Embedded Platform for PIC, Inspired by ArduinoTM
- PIC EEPROM Programming (In-Circuit, others)
microEngineering Labs, Inc. Development tools, PicBasic Compiler, EPIC Plus Device Programmer
Embed Inc. PIC Programmer und Development Boards
PP06 PIC Programmer Software
the 'No-Parts' PIC Programmer for PIC16C84, PIC16F83, and PIC16F84(A) microcontrollers
Brush Electronics Ethernet and other Boot Loaders
- PIC Projects
Ham-Pic Resource Page
CheaPIC - how to get started programming PIC microcontrollers in the cheapest possible way
Geoff Graham's electronic projects Colour Maximite Computer, GPS Synchronized Clock, and more
Geoff Graham's MMBasic for the Colour Maximite Computer
PICAXE chips can be programmed in a very simple to learn BASIC language or via graphical blocks or flowcharts
dsoze1138 PIC sample projects and sample code
- PIC How To (algorithms, math, etc)
PIC Micro Controller ASM Language Routine Library
PIC Microcontroller Basic Math Methods
PIC Microcontroller Math Library Methods
PIC Microcontroller Program Flow Methods
MicrochipC.com PIC micros and CPIC Sample Code in C
- PIC - I/O and interrupts
Notes on Using Interrupts on Mid-Range PIC Processors
PIC Micro Controller Interrupt Routine Library
PIC Micro Controller C Routine Library
- PIC Software, Assembler, Disassembler, C and more
MPLAB® Integrated Development Environment
GNUPIC by Scott Dattolo
GNU PIC Utilities
Shane Tolmie - Program Microchip PIC micros with C
CCS, Inc. - C Compiler for PIC and more
JAL resources - Just Another Language
- Pic and more
PIC Compendium
PIC Corner
The official PICList home page
PICList - MicroChip Technologies
Beginners checklist for PICs
Microchip Devices
Radio Frequency IO
Guru's Lair: Pick a Peck of PIC's library directory
AWC Electronics
Peter H. Anderson - Embedded Processor Control
Parallax:BASIC Stamps & SX-Key
BASCOM Basic for AVR
- PIC and LCD
Sprut.de - Dot-Matrix LCD-Displays
PIC Dumb Terminal PIC16F84 + LCD module + Keyboard + RS232 comm

Layout Programme
Target 3001 Professionelle Layout Software mit 3D (MID) Unterstützung, Simulation uvm.
KiCad - EDA A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite - Open Source, includes a Gerber Viewer
KiCad - Wikipedia ist ein Open-Source-CAD-Programm (GPL) zur Erstellung von Schaltplänen und Leiterplatten
The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools
Zusätze für geda freie Layout Software
FreeEDA Tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design (previously known as Oscad)
gerbv A Free Gerber Viewer for Linux
easylogix.de A Free Gerber Viewer for non-commercial use
DesignSpark DesignSpark PCB is the world's most powerful free of charge PCB design tool
Forum: Platinen Fragen zum Entwurf und zur Herstellung von Platinen, Bestücken, Löten, usw.
Fritzing Vom Breadboard zur Platine: Schaltplandesign und Layout mit Fritzing
FreeCAD Your Own 3D Parametric Modeler, read 3D STEP Models, also used by KiCad
CircuitLab Circuit simulation and schematics

3D Drucker - RepRap
RepRap Replicating Rapid-prototyper
GRRF.de German RepRap Foundation
makerbot.com Robots that make things
replicat.org ReplicatorG is a simple, open source 3D printing program
thingiverse.com freie Datenbank mit druckbaren 3D-Objekten
cgtrade.com Datenbank mit druckbaren 3D-Objekten, kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Modelle
TactileHobby A Beginner’s Guide To 3D Printing

Amateurfunk / Ham Radio
ÖVSV Österreichische Versuchssenderverband
OE9 Landesverband Vorarlberg - Österreichische Versuchssenderverband
A A T i S e. V. Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule e.V.
ARRL is the national association for Amateur Radio in the US
TARP Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corp

Electronic Solutions Ulm LokSound Decoder
Gebr. FALLER GmbH Miniaturwelten
Gebr. Fleischmann GmbH & Co. KG Modelleisenbahnen
IEK Dekoder und mehr
KLEINBAHN Ing. Erich Klein e.U. Mechanische Werkstätte Spielwarenerzeugung - Geschlossen seit: 19.07.2021
Torsten Kühn Lokomotiven, Wagen, Zubehör und Digitaltechnik für die Modelleisenbahn
Littfinski Digitaltechnik für die Modelleisenbahn - Anfang 2019 übernommen von Bühler electronic GmbH
Lenz Elektronik Entwickler von RailCom
Märklin Modelleisenbahnen
Roco Modelleisenbahnen
Tams Elektronik elektronik + mehr für die modelleisenbahn
CT elektronik Dekoder und mehr
Uhlenbrock Elektronik Dekoder und mehr
Viessmann Modellspielwaren GmbH
ZIMO ELEKTRONIK Entwicklung und Produktion von digitalen Steuerungssystemen für Modelleisenbahnen
- Software
Rocrail Project in a Nutshell (Open Source)
STP Software STP und P.f.u.Sch.
Modellbahnsoftware.de befaßt sich mit Software rund um Eisenbahn und Modellbahn
Railware Modellbahnsteuerungen
SOFT-LOK Modellbahnsteuerungen von der Steuerungssoftware bis hin zum PC-Rückmeldesystem
WinDigipet Modellbahnsteuerungen das Steuerungsprogramm für digitale Modelleisenbahnen!
Eisenbahn Software v. Martin Meyer Eisenbahn-Bildschirmschoner und Android App und Live-Hintergrund
BahnDesign Modellbahnplanung Lösungen für Ihre persönliche Modelleisenbahn
Eisenbahn.exe Modellbahn-Simulator EEP - der Eisenbahnsimulation für Ihren PC und Ihr Notebook
locomgr Software / LOCOMGR
Arnold's Modell WEB
Arnold's Train WEB
Stefan Krauß Webseite Modelleisenbahn
- Normung im Bereich der Modelleisenbahnen
MOROP Verband der Modelleisenbahner und Eisenbahnfreunde Europas
NMRA Standards & Conformance Department's Digital Command Control Working Group DCC Working Group
RAILCOMMUNITY Verband der Hersteller Digitaler Modellbahnprodukte e.V.
- DCC Infos und Selbstbau Zentralen und Decoder
likodex.de DDC Protokoll Seite
Dr. Königs DDC-Page Selbstbaudecoder für altes System
Frankie Frederiksson's Märklin Digital Page Selbstbaudecoder
OpenDCC Selbstbau DDC Projekt, Zentrale, Regler, Booster, Decoder, usw.
Directory of World Wide Rail Sites DDC Infos
Reinhard Müller NMRA DCC = Digital Command Control, DCC-Decoder-Praxis, Modellbahnen usw.
wiringfordcc DCC Tips on the WWW
- RailCom
dccwiki.com RailCom is a bi-directional data communications technology developed by Lenz, and found in NMRA Recommended Practices RP 9.3.1 and 9.3.2
- BiDiB
BiDiB.org BiDiB steht für BiDirektionaler Bus und ist der Standardbus für die digitale Steuerung einer Modellbahn
OpenDCC.de as BiDiB Wiki ist ein Nachschlagewerk für Anwender und Programmierer rund um das Thema Modellbahnsteuerung mit BiDiB
- Clubs und Vereine
voemec.at Verband der Österreichischen Modelleisenbahnclubs
bdef.de Bundesverband Deutscher Eisenbahn-Freunde e.V.
FREMO Freundeskreises Europäischer Modellbahner – FREMO e. V.
modellbahn-community.net Hier finden Sie eine Modellbahn-Community für jeden Modellbahner
- Zeitschriften und Infos
DER_MOBA Zusammengestellt werden die Seiten von den Teilnehmern der Newsgroup de.rec.modelle.bahn
digital-bahn.de Infos zu Digitale Modellbahnen
MIBA Zeitschrift für Modellbahn- und Modellbau
trains.com The #1 online destination for train enthusiasts
Directory of World Wide Rail Sites Cyberspace World Railroad
- Ausstellungen
Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg die größte Modelleisenbahn der Welt in Hamburg

NIGHT TRAINS WORLD Travel by night in a sleeper train
Rovos Rail / Pride of Africa Travel in a luxury train through South Africa from Pretoria to the Victoria Falls
The Blue Train Travel in a historic luxury train through South Africa: Pretoria - Cape Town or Pretoria - Kruger National Park
Transsibirische Eisenbahn Wikipedia
Grand Canyon Railway Make a grand trip the grandest
Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad The historic railroad offers train rides, gold panning and an on-site rail museum
Napa Vally Wine Train Wine tasting on a historic train
Schneebergbahn Zahnradbahn auf den Schneeberg in Österreich
Mariazellerbahn Schmalspurbahn nach Mariazell in Österreich
- Romatik / Museen
tvdb - Eisenbahn Romantik Liste von Filmen über Historischen Eisenbahnen
South Bay Historical Railroad Societ Santa Clara Railroad Depot and Tower, Santa Clara, CA 95050

Schallplatten / Records
Grammophon Portal wissenswertes über Schallplatten
Füllschrift (Füllschriftverfahren) bei Schallplatten Grammophon Portal
Blue Danube Records Willkommen im Vinylhimmel! Schallplattengeschäft in Tulln

Historisches / Museen
Computer History Museum Historical Computers starting around 1940. Also showing historical Source Code for Word 1.1 and more. Mountain View, CA
Computermuseum der Informatik an der Universität Stuttgart
National Atomic Testing Museum The mission of the Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation is to preserve and foster public accessibility
to the history associated with the Nevada Test Site and the nation's nuclear weapons program. Las Vegas, NV
Southwest Museum of Engineering, Communications and Computation
Computer- & Technikmuseum Halle Historische Computer der DDR
Computer- & Technikmuseum Halle Impressionen aus dem laufenden Betrieb 2015
heise.de Quelltexte von MS-DOS und Word for Windows veröffentlicht
Computer History Museum Microsoft MS-DOS early source code
GitHub MS-DOS v1.25 and v2.0 Source Code
OS/2 Museum vintage PC computing, and random musings
Wikipedia, Program Segment Prefix (PSP) is a data structure used in DOS systems to store the state of a program. It resembles the Zero Page in the CP/M operating system
The Museum of HP Calculators displays and describes Hewlett-Packard calculators introduced from 1968 to 1986 plus a few interesting later models
The Museum of HP Calculators simulator of HP-35 RPN Calculator
HrastProgrammer This page is dedicated to the emulators of HP calculators for HP calculators
Rauch's Radiomuseum Lustenau Bewundern Sie Radiogeräte, Grammophone und Spielorgeln aus der Zeit von 1890 bis 1975
Radiomuseum Bocket Dieses RadioWiki stellt Informationen zu historischen Rundfunkgeräten zur Verfügung
Radiomuseum.org Luzern Informationen über historische Rundfunkgeräten und auch Bauteile
The Valve Museum Historic tube collection
Mobile Phone Museum.org Mobile Phone Museum Dobšiná is an official museum object registered in the Slovak National Museum
Mobile Phone Museum.com Historic Mobile Phones, by Ben Wood, Over 463 unique pieces.
Éric Lévenez's site Linux and Windows History and much more
VOGONS Vintage Driver Library is a collection of drivers for vintage hardware, as collected and contributed by the upstanding members of the VOGONS Forums
Musical Instruments Museum Phoenix AZ, Showing more than 6,600 instruments on display from around the world
National Museum of Funeral History "Any day above ground is a good one." Houston, TX
Bestattungsmuseum am Zentralfriedhof, alles über die "Schöne Leich" in Wien
South Bay Historical Railroad Societ Santa Clara Railroad Depot and Tower, Santa Clara, CA 95050
Archäologiepark keltisches Freilichtmuseum Schwarzenbach

Historische Computer
RetroBrew Computers Wiki Many of the designs have a "retro" flair, but computers of all types are welcome here
Bitsavers Historic Computers, Peripherals and much more
- Intel 4004
Intel 4004 - 50th Anniversary Project Schaltplan sowie weitere Links zum Intel 4004
INTEL 4004 SYSTEM EMULATOR e4004 emulator, as4004 Assembler and Disassembler
Intel 4004 Emulator
Pyntel4004 A Python software implementation of the Intel 4004 processor
Computer Historic Museum Intel 4004 microprocessor oral history panel - PDF Document
hb9aik.ch PDP-8 on a chip: the INTERSIL IM6100 and HARRIS HD6120
Spare Time Gizmos SBC6120 News
RetroBrew Computers SBC6120 RBC Edition
chdickman DEC PDP-8
PDP8online Online PDP-8 Home Page, Run a PDP-8
Bitsavers dec/pdp8

Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
Moonjs: An Online Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) Simulator
Virtual AGC A computer simulation of the onboard guidance computers used in the Apollo Program's lunar missions
chrislgarry/Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) The Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules on GitHub
Ken Shirriff's blog Inside a 20-Watt Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier from Apollo

ISS - International Space Station & Space
Esa Tracker Where is the International Space Station?
NASA ISS High Definition Earth-Viewing System (HDEV)
NASA - Spot The Station ISS Sighting Location Lookup
NASA - Spot The Station Abfrage wann die ISS über Österreich / Wien sichtbar ist?
NASA - Reference Guide to the Space Station Utilization Edition September 2015
NASA current information on the International Space Station
SpaceRef Information about space, not just the ISS. SpaceRef is a new media company focused on the space sector
Explore the International Space Station with Google Street View the Cupola Observational Module
NASA imagery and videos from all of NASA’s programs
NASA historical information on the Space Shuttle Program
NASA historical information on other NASA programs
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer

fluggesellschaft.de Liste aller Flughäfen
Wikipedia Liste der IATA-Flughafen-Codes
Wikipedia Liste von Fluggesellschaften
ITA - Software by Google - Matrix Airfare Search Suchmaschine für Flüge by Google
flightradar24.com Flug-Tracking Portal
planefinder.net Flug-Tracking Portal
flightaware.com Flug-Tracking Portal
Aviation Safety Network (ASN) Providing everyone with a (professional) interest in aviation with up-to-date, complete and reliable authoritative information on airliner accidents and safety issues
The Aviation Herald Events from Jun 19th 1999 to today
AirSafe Critical Information for the Traveling Public

This link list is a service for our customers, the list makes no claim to completeness!
Any liability for these links, contents as well as errors is excluded!